This is the pattern in way too many schools. This isn’t the poor coach’s fault. This is a failure of leadership. It’s wishful thinking disguised as professional development, and it’s yet another example of a school that’s going through the motions instead of engaging...
This is a preview of my Friday “10 Things” newsletter. Friday editions are free for everyone. Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends. It’s the first week of January which means here in the US, the public domain was just infused with all...
Miles Davis, the American jazz impresario, once said, “Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing.” For certain, we don’t have enough time to do everything we want to do in our classrooms. But we are given the same amount of time as everyone else in this old...
I talk a lot about reading here on this site because I believe we learn more if we read more. And if we read books that challenge us, that learning increases exponentially. I can speak to my growth as a writer and educator as I’ve worked to increase the number...
Sitting down on the first day of a new year to share something with you feels a bit… different. Over the years, I’ve been hit or miss with my blog posts and have never really achieved a consistent posting schedule. That changes in 2023. Along with adopting...