I am lucky to work in a profession that allows me time to read. Actually, it’s pretty much part of my job to read professional development books. I’m always looking for new strategies to share with teachers. Of course, I also read out of necessity for my...
The Rage of Dragons is an exciting new fantasy novel by author Evan Winter. It’s a story about a young man who embarks on a quest for revenge after suffering a major personal loss. But this isn’t just another tired, Eurocentric medieval fantasy—this story...
Brandon Sanderson’s novel, Oathbringer, is the third installment in the best-selling Stormlight Archive series. This epic fantasy novel follows Dalinar Kholin and his quest to protect Roshar from the Voidbringers. The novel features a wide array of fascinating...
The world of psychology is constantly evolving, but one concept remains the same: the idea that introverts and extroverts exist on a spectrum. In her book Quiet, Susan Cain dives into how this dichotomy has been viewed through the ages and how embracing both types of...
In his riveting narrative, Robert Kurson captures the true story of two relic-seeking divers’ incredible discovery off the coast of New Jersey in 1991. John Chatterton and Richie Kohler are presented with an opportunity to unearth a mysterious secret hidden for over...