I am lucky to work in a profession that allows me time to read. Actually, it’s pretty much part of my job to read professional development books. I’m always looking for new strategies to share with teachers. Of course, I also read out of necessity for my...
I wrapped up several books in September of 2022 because I focused my time better than I had in many months. Beginning my doctoral work at the end of August necessitated that focus. I also ramped up my audiobook listening this month, taking advantage of my 30-minute...
My reading over the summer took a bit of a dip over the first part of this year. My goal this year is to read 75 books, down from 100 last year. I set that goal knowing that I would begin my doctoral work this fall and would likely have less time to read...
Photo by Ugur Akdemir on Unsplash OK, this is a total brain dump post as I just need to get some thoughts down. My mind is racing with ideas and I just need to write. But I’m going to share this with you because… reasons… I love reading. However,...