Two things came to mind as I began compiling this month’s reading list: deeper learning in schools and the power of embracing your authentic self. The first one is, of course, on my mind pretty much every day. Any work that I have done in education has ultimately been...
Happy Tuesday, folks. More appropriately (I guess), Happy Fat Tuesday. Full disclaimer: I’m not Catholic, and Mardi Gras has no personal meaning for me. But many of you may join in the festivities and Lenten practices for the next 40 days. If you do, awesome. If you...
Hey, y’all. It’s time for another “10 Things” to clutter your inbox. I don’t know about you, but it’s been a week for me. I’m looking forward to a little break this weekend. 10 Things Worth Sharing Noam Chomsky thinks ChatGPT is “basically high-tech plagiarism” ICYMI,...
Good grief. Somehow, we’ve already burned through the first month of 2023. My year started with a bang with several projects at work with my teaching fellowship and with a new round of doctoral classes. Time is just flying by! I’m grateful for the...
A new year begins, full of new challenges and possibilities. But really, these challenges and possibilities aren’t new. They’re the same ones humans have faced for centuries; we experience them in a different context. We’re all still trying to make sense of this crazy...