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What Are Your Personal Foundation Texts?

I’ve talked about building a personal library in the past, and trust me; I am still diligently working on building my own (much to my budget and wall space concerns). But, I went down a bunny trail on “foundational texts” that people deem important...

Asimov Press Releases New Book – Printed on DNA

I know, you’re probably thinking the same thing I was. How do you print a book on DNA? What does that even mean? Asimov Press’ latest anthology features nine essays and three works of science fiction. Embracing the book’s technology theme, we did something very...

Why Aren’t People Reading Books Anymore?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash In his thought-provoking video, Jared Henderson delves into why fewer people are reading books, citing issues with education systems, distractions from technology, and a lack of reading stamina. As an educator and avid reader, I agree...