Today’s Links
We need social media for schools
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools looked for any way possible to maintain contact with students, families, and the community.
Resilience, Reorientation, and Reinvention: School Leadership During the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Leaders who may not have been keen on social media before were scrambling. They would use any and all means to stay connected with students.
Of course, working from home is not the same as working from school. Even for students who have internet access at home, it’s often not as reliable or as fast as what they can get at school.
Our public schools have at least 1Gbps upload/download fiber connections here in Kentucky, better than pretty much anything available to homes.
Also, knowing that as the pandemic began around 15% of students in the US did not have reliable high-speed internet access at home and 17% of teens indicated they did not have the resources to complete schoolwork at home (the “homework gap”), just connecting to students would be an issue.
Still, schools leveraged what they could.
I wish I could say that all schools use social media well but we’re still very much on the learning curve of these technologies. As with most other things in education, someone has to manage a program for social media.
Often, this falls to the school library media specialist or a technology teacher. And just as often, these folks have little experience with crafting a media message or dealing with comments from the public on social platforms.
If we want our schools to use social media, we have to find a way to fund having a person that takes care of that content.
Yes, your school needs a PR person. Of course, this person should likely also have interns (students) who want to learn the ins and outs of modern communications and PR.
It’s something to think about as we move forward post-pandemic.
We don’t need social media for schools
On the other hand, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch for anyone to admit that social media is not always the best tool to introduce to students, especially when we don’t talk about digital citizenship in schools.
The role of social media in spreading panic among primary and secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Due to the nature of most posts on social, our attention span is shortening. We don’t deep-dive into subjects any longer, we just want to swipe and get the next hit of dopamine.
With TikTok challenges wreaking havoc in schools as students returned to in-person learning, school administrators are likely to look for ways to avoid social media and block school access.
Of course, blocking access leads to other issues. When schools move past blocking access to the most egregious sites on the web, they can get into the tangle of “I need you to block this site/app because my students are distracted” requests from teachers at every level.
Historically, blocking access doesn’t achieve much.
Where can we focus our efforts in schools to avoid the trap of blocking socials and multiple other sites that are annoying to everyone but students?
Digital Citizenship
Linkus Randomus

- Finalists for NPR’s 2022 Student Podcast Challenge
- 4 Question Types for Deeper Learning
- How to Transform High School? Let Academics and Career Skills Join Forces

Currently writing:
- Volume 1: The Heretic Chronicles – a fantasy story about a girl, her sword, and extreme fundamentalist religion (WC: 15,457)
- Untitled Sci-Fi novel – a group of students race across the stars, avoiding an evil empire (WC: 275)
- Sci-fi short story – earth as a farm for aliens (WC: 492)
Currently reading:
- Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris (61%)
- Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse (1%)
- Mastery by Robert Greene (22%)
Upcoming Events:
- 2022 Technology & Teaching Summit – Murray State University (VIRTUAL) (June 7)
- 2022 Kentucky DLC Summit (Private event for KY DLCs) – June 14
- TeachMeet Central & Northern KY (IN-PERSON) – July 20
- TeachMeet Kentucky (IN-PERSON) – July 22
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. That means you can use it any way you like, including commercially, provided that you attribute it to me, Mike Paul, and include a link to pikemall.tech.
Quotations and images are not included in this license; they are included either under a limitation or exception to copyright or on the basis of a separate license. Please exercise caution.
Cory Doctorow’s work at Pluralistic inspired the layout, focus, and work displayed here. Hat tip to Cory for all his fine work.
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