I’m having a hard time putting into words my feelings over the past couple of days. I work in education but I’m also a parent. I worry about the kids and teachers whom I work with but I also worry about sending my daughter to school.
Note: she just finished 4th grade, which has struck me right in the center of my being after the deaths of many 4th graders in Texas. They were the same age as my own daughter. Frightening, to say the least.
My biggest issue now is responding to those who believe we don’t need to do anything about gun control in the US. I’m tired of their “thoughts and prayers” that don’t do much.
Thankfully, Steve Singer has a good response:
This is not hard.
The rest of the world has cracked the code. Just not us.
Not the U.S.
Guns are the leading cause of death for American children – 1 out of 10 people who die from guns in this country are 19 or younger.
Steve Singer
Read more here: If You Don’t Support Gun Control, You Support School Shootings