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I’ve talked about building a personal library in the past, and trust me; I am still diligently working on building my own (much to my budget and wall space concerns).

But, I went down a bunny trail on “foundational texts” that people deem important to their thinking and way of life.

I love looking at people’s personal libraries. Especially the books that people tell me they read over and over throughout their lives. It’s like seeing the foundational texts of someone’s life, values and interests. What are your personal foundational texts?

Karen Attiah ( 2024-12-11T18:23:36.899Z

It took me a bit and with a little more thinking time, I’d probably change or add more to this list.

Tons of great reads in the replies and quotes from this thread. Here are my "foundational texts" in no particular order:1. The Mouse and the Motorcycle2. Fahrenheit 4513. The Hobbit4. Comic books (no, I'm not narrowing it down to one)5. Treasure Island6. A Tale of Two CitiesYeah, that's it.

Mike Paul ( 2024-12-18T16:21:16.447Z

How about you? What texts do you consider “foundational” for your life?

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