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Essentially essential

Photo by Leeloo The First on Picking up from yesterday’s discussion from Teaching for Deeper Learning on framing units around the idea of “a study in…” an area, another way to frame units or lessons is with essential questions. If you’re using the “a study...

Control what you can control

Sometimes, things don’t work out no matter how hard you try or how much you know. Or maybe things fall apart completely. Control what you can control, and when all else fails, sit back and rest. Or have a drink, if that’s your thing.

A Study In…

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash Diving into more authentic learning topics, I’ll share some insights from Jay McTighe’s book “Teaching for Deeper Learning” which has some great ideas for making learning more meaningful. One of the first concepts McTighe...

The Importance of a Graduate Profile

Photo by Fray Bekele on Unsplash Graduate Profile. Portrait of a Graduate. Portrait of a Learner. Three different names for the same thing. A Graduate Profile is a set of competencies that define the “enduring skills” schools want their students to have...

Rooted in comics…

Greetings Starfighters, Comic-Con is upon us, that time of year when thousands of geeks descend upon San Diego and enjoy some quality time together. Sadly, I have never been. However, one of my very good friends is actually presenting some of his research on using...