Title: An Echo of Things to Come Author: James Islington Genre: Fantasy Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars5.0 In “An Echo of Things to Come,” the second installment of James Islington’s Licanius Trilogy, readers are treated to an even more intricate...
Title: The Lies of Locke Lamora Author: Scott Lynch Genre: Fantasy Rating: 4.0 out of 5.0 stars4.0 What It’s About In the bustling, corrupt city of Camorr, an orphan named Locke Lamora emerges as an ingenious thief, a master of deception, and the leader of a...
Good grief. Somehow, we’ve already burned through the first month of 2023. My year started with a bang with several projects at work with my teaching fellowship and with a new round of doctoral classes. Time is just flying by! I’m grateful for the...
I am lucky to work in a profession that allows me time to read. Actually, it’s pretty much part of my job to read professional development books. I’m always looking for new strategies to share with teachers. Of course, I also read out of necessity for my...
The Rage of Dragons is an exciting new fantasy novel by author Evan Winter. It’s a story about a young man who embarks on a quest for revenge after suffering a major personal loss. But this isn’t just another tired, Eurocentric medieval fantasy—this story...