Incredible Interactive Explainer Demonstrates How Airplanes Fly

gray plane wing
Photo by Pixabay on

“The sky is not the limit, it’s just the beginning.”

Chuck Yeager

I love flying. My grandfather was a pilot and former member of the Army Air Corps (pre-Air Force) and owned a little Cessna for years.

I still get a thrill during every takeoff as my stomach drops and lays somewhere on the ground as we climb, leaving the restriction of the ground.

But how do planes fly? You may know, but I bet a student has asked you at some point.

Even if you know how planes fly, this epic interactive explainer is a great way to share flow concepts and how an airfoil works with anyone.

how an airfoil works

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Friday Finds: Spooky Edition

It’s the end of another week, and we’re heading straight into the very witching time of the year. Hocus Pocus 2, Halloweentown, and The Nightmare Before Christmas have been on repeat at my house.

Many of us enjoy a good scare from time to time (because humans are weird), so here are ten things I found this week to help get you in the spooky mood…

  1. I love old-time radio shows, which likely explains my love for podcasts. Here’s a playlist of 149 vintage Halloween radio shows to enjoy while you hand out candy.
  2. While we’re on the topic of spooky sounds, this was the soundtrack of my early Halloween memories that I thought had been lost forever. Thanks, random stranger on YouTube.
  3. One of my favorite spooky stories is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Poor Ichabod Crane. For added creepiness, here’s a retelling of the tale done with shadow puppets and a cool behind-the-scenes video.
  4. It’s not all that spooky, but the tale of how Toy Story 2 was almost deleted before ever being released is certainly scary and a great lesson in backing up your digital life.
  5. For streaming fans, here are some new spooky tales to check out this spooky season (I am hearing amazing things about Werewolf by Night and Cabinet of Curiosities from my friend, Brian Rodman).
  6. Speaking of Brian, if you’re a fan of all things comics & horror, you should check out his work. He’s venturing into prose in the coming months, and I can’t wait.
  7. I keep talking about AI art generators and their ability to create some amazing creations from strings of words. Of course, they can’t take the place of true artists, nor should they. But they’re fun for projects like reimagining scary movie posters.
  8. At my house, we buy one box of Boo Berry cereal as soon as it hits the shelves in the fall. I had no clue that the monster cereals had such a weird history.
  9. If you happen to get a little too spooked, here are some tips to help you calm down and maintain your sanity.
  10. Finally, here are some of my favorite scary books. Like, super scary. There’s Something Wicked This Way ComesIt, and everything Edgar Allan Poe ever wrote (The Tell-Tale Heart is my personal favorite).
woman wearing tank dress
Photo by Edilson Borges on Unsplash

As always, thanks for reading. Enjoy yourself this Halloween, and remember to check your candy for anything suspect or ridiculous (Seriously, drug dealers aren’t going to randomly give their product away. They make money selling it.)

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