Yep, that’s it. The very first world wide web server, used by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. Notice the large “DO NOT POWER DOWN!” sticker on the bottom of the machine. Thankfully, no one has touched that power button. Yet. Thanks to ArsTechnica for...
Photo by Dayan Rodio on The Internet is home to so much of the world’s written text that it’s difficult to figure out some of the “best” articles. Of course, “best” is 100% subjective, and your favorite text is likely not...
From Tyler Cowen: No, it is not converging upon human-like intelligence or for that matter AGI. Still, the broader lesson is you can build a very practical kind of intelligence with fairly simple statistical models and lots of training data. And...
What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question. — Jonas Salk When we make decisions about the technology we use in our classrooms, we very often ask the wrong questions. We think about how we can use the latest,...
Academic Publishing and the Death Instinct Chromebooks Can Do That?! Next Generation Online Learning Programs – Khan World School ‘The Bottom Has Dropped Out’: Study Confirms Fears of Growing Learning Gaps