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Reading Something Wonderful – I Think

Photo by Dayan Rodio on The Internet is home to so much of the world’s written text that it’s difficult to figure out some of the “best” articles. Of course, “best” is 100% subjective, and your favorite text is likely not...

What I’ve Been Reading (and not reading)

Photo by Pixabay on I admit, my reading schedule has been a bit off recently. I’m ridiculously behind on my reading goal for the year (36 of 150), and not sure when or how that number will get back in sync. So, between everything else going on in life...

10 Things Teachers Shouldn’t Do Over the Summer Break

Summer break is a time when the school hallways empty and the classrooms quiet down. As a teacher, you’ve probably been eagerly anticipating this time, haven’t you? But remember, this period is not just about taking a breather; it’s also about...