Sing Sing – A Film About Being Human

red theater chair lot near white concrete pillars
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Before I saw the trailer recommended to me on YouTube, I knew nothing about the film Sing Sing or the program it depicts.

Immediately after viewing it, I wanted to know more.

Sing Sing‘s Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) program, highlighted in the film, uses creative arts such as theatre, dance, visual arts, music, and creative writing to foster personal growth, self-discipline, and collaboration among inmates. It creates a positive environment for self-expression and notably reduces recidivism rates.

I’m looking forward to watching this one and seeing how the triumph of the human spirit can work wonders, even in the darkest places.

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Now and Then…

recording studio with ultra violet florescent
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“In November, a man will eat his heart, if in any month.” —Henry David Thoreau, 1852

Happy Friday! It’s been a busy week around here with all the things happening: school visits, doctoral work, and the joys of a new puppy at home. I hope your November is off to a great start and that you are heading into the holiday season with hope and love. I know we all have so many things on our plates this time of year and I hope those things bring you joy.

Speaking of things, here’s 10 of them!

10 Things Worth Sharing

The Eclectic Educator is a free resource for everyone passionate about education and creativity. If you enjoy the content and want to support the newsletter, consider becoming a paid subscriber. Your support helps keep the insights and inspiration coming!

Unboxing Shakespeare’s First Folio

A mesmerizing scene of a Shakespeare First Folio displayed in a grand library, ornate bookshelves reaching to the ceiling, dim ambient lighting casting soft glows on the shelves, intricate woodwork and carvings adorning the room, leather-bound volumes surrounding the Folio, creating an atmosphere of knowledge and intellectual pursuit, Sculpture, marble carving

For proof that Shakespeare’s genius was evident to his contemporaries, look no further than the collection of plays published seven years after his death: Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies (1623), today often called his First Folio.

The First Folio is a collection of 36 plays by William Shakespeare that was published in 1623. One of the most influential books ever published, only about 230 copies are known to have survived. The Victoria and Albert Museum has three copies, and in this video, they lead the viewer on a tour through one of them.