What I’ve Been Reading (and not reading)

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I admit, my reading schedule has been a bit off recently. I’m ridiculously behind on my reading goal for the year (36 of 150), and not sure when or how that number will get back in sync.

So, between everything else going on in life (work, doctoral classes, preparing for a new home, etc.) I’m going to get back on track.

Yes, I’m reading many articles for my doctoral studies, so I’m still reading. But my book tally is severely stagnant.


Knight’s Shadow is the second book in The Greatcoats series by Sebastian de Castell. The story of Falcio Val Mond and his band of Greatcoats continues, with just as much swashbuckling as in the first book. A highly enjoyable read.

I just completed Year 1 of my doctoral journey and am diving into crafting my literature review. As such, The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success is already proving to be an excellent guide along the way.

In Search of Deeper Learning: The Quest to Remake the American High School was a very dense read but has brought me so many other items to look into as part of my research. If you’re interested in learning more about deeper learning, start here.

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