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Books I Read in August 2022

Books I Read in August 2022

My reading over the summer took a bit of a dip over the first part of this year. My goal this year is to read 75 books, down from 100 last year. I set that goal knowing that I would begin my doctoral work this fall and would likely have less time to read...

Using Notion as a Doctoral Dashboard

In all of my previous degree programs, my biggest struggle was knowing what was due when and what I needed to accomplish next. I have been an online student through two degree programs. One of those programs, at the University of Kentucky, did a tremendous job of...

A Return After a Long Break

Well, summer break is over for all my students and me. This week, I begin my doctoral work at the University of Kentucky. As such, my reading will likely increase dramatically and, with that, an increase in my writing. It’s been a good break, but I’m ready...