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Moving from “doing school” to “learning”

Photo by cottonbro studio on I love learning—I really do. But my dreadful experience with “school” still influences much of my work in education. I hated “school.” It was pointless for me, as it is for so many other students. From...

Google Docs is adding Markdown support (finally)

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Markdown, the lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents, is finally getting support in Google Docs. Thank the Maker. Google Docs was born from the conjoined features of...

The ACT is changing, making science optional

Photo by Pixabay on For a moment, I won’t talk about the relevance of removing the science portion of the ACT (or making it optional) when science is under attack alongside our American democracy. I also won’t talk about the movement to...