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Beyond English: Why Writing Belongs in Every Classroom

Photo by on Given the benefits of writing on reading skills, comprehension, information retention, higher-order thinking, and quality of learning, it makes sense for all teachers to focus on increasing the time they dedicate to writing in their...

Leveraging ChatGPT for Customized Learning

Photo by Tranmautritam on Recently, on the Easy EdTech podcast, Dr. Monica Burns spoke with Sarah Wysocki on the use of ChatGPT in education. Wysocki, an English language learner teacher, discusses using ChatGPT to create personalized, culturally relevant...

Cathedral, Mountain, Moon

Here’s a great discussion starter on the creative process and, perhaps, the work required to create something like this photo of a near-perfect alignment of cathedral, mountain, and moon The Astronomy Picture of the Day for December 25, 2023, featured a breathtaking...

The Power of Learning and Combining Skills

As educators, we can choose to ignore this truth or embrace it.  One choice will further alienate our students, leaving them only wanting more from school. The other choice, to embrace, will bring dramatic change and new life to schools.  It’s up to us....