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Will AI Transform Teaching and Learning?

Photo by Pixabay on Larry Cuban has some great thoughts–as always–on the potential of AI to change education. Yet there is little evidence that classroom use of these previous technologies forced classroom teachers to rethink, much less reshape,...

How Open Education Can Support Digital Literacy

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Open Education isn’t just about creating and using free tools for education. It’s about connecting with the ideas around open education and open source to create a more equitable space for us all. Clint Lalonde...

Bluesky, decentralisation, and the distribution of power

Photo by Pixabay on Laurens Hof writes: I write about decentralised social networks because I care about an internet that is open, accessible, and not under the control of a few tech oligarchs. My interest in federation and decentralisation is pragmatic; I...