Bridging the Digital Divide: Access is Only the Beginning

While we can blame the COVID-19 pandemic on many things, we can’t blame it for the “digital divide” among students across the United States. That divide was in place long before anyone had ever heard of COVID-19. However, the pandemic did shed more light on the inequities of digital access across the country. Three primary … Continue reading “Bridging the Digital Divide: Access is Only the Beginning”

Why Do We Spend So Much Time on Inert Learning in Our Classrooms?

How much time do we spend on inert learning daily in our classrooms? I’ve been asking that myself a lot lately as we’ve had more and more discussions in my schools and across the country about deeper learning and what our students are learning in schools. I’m watchful of any inert learning happening in classrooms … Continue reading “Why Do We Spend So Much Time on Inert Learning in Our Classrooms?”