It Takes Practice to Become an Expert

To become an expert at something, you have to practice that something. Doctors and lawyers often use the term “practice” to describe their daily work. Educators are the same. We practice every day. And we get a little better every day. So do our students. Provided we allow them to practice. This idea is at … Continue reading “It Takes Practice to Become an Expert”

Using Multiple Tools for Content Creation in the Classroom

We’re wrapping up the 2022-2023 school year, and several teachers in my district are continuing their journeys into deeper learning. Rather than freaking out and focusing on end-of-year testing that means nothing (you know I’m right), I’m working with several 8th-grade classes on worthwhile projects. One class is designing tourism resources for Bardstown. If you’re … Continue reading “Using Multiple Tools for Content Creation in the Classroom”

Enter the Zettelkasten: Note Taking, Making, and Organizing

This week, while I’m on a bit of a break between doctoral classes, I’m taking some time to better organize my personal knowledge management system. It’s what I and others refer to as a “second brain.” Why do I need this second brain? There are several answers to that question, but let’s start with this … Continue reading “Enter the Zettelkasten: Note Taking, Making, and Organizing”

How the 4 Shifts Protocol Supports Teachers in Providing Deeper Learning Opportunities for Students

I’ve had the pleasure of working with a small cohort of teachers this year to redesign lessons for deeper learning opportunities. I called it the “Future Shift Fellowship” for two reasons: 1) I hoped that this group would begin moving our district into the future by focusing on student-centered lesson design and 2) we would … Continue reading “How the 4 Shifts Protocol Supports Teachers in Providing Deeper Learning Opportunities for Students”

Quotes, Mindfulness, & Adventure

Hey, y’all. This week, I’m thinking about taking care of myself while preparing for the new school year. It’s late February, and the ramp-up for the new school year is here. Meetings, quick chats, emails, and video conferences fill the calendars of many school leaders this time of year, not to mention the very sudden … Continue reading “Quotes, Mindfulness, & Adventure”

Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson – Summary & Quotes

Ah, friends. It is time that I gave you my impressions on my first book of 2023. This is one I’ve been both excited to get and hesitant to read. Why? Back in March 2022, Brandon Sanderson revealed he’d written five extra books in his spare time during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. He … Continue reading “Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson – Summary & Quotes”

How We Might Use ChatGPT in Education

Yes, there’s more to say about ChatGPT and how we can use it in education. I’m doing my best to develop productive uses of this technology to override all the Negative Ninnys out there in Luddite Land. I won’t have an answer for everyone, but there’s a decent chance one of the ideas I share … Continue reading “How We Might Use ChatGPT in Education”

What Will We Do with AI Tools in Education?

The buzz around AI writing tools continues in the education world. Of course, there are several AI tools that we’re already using, whether in the classroom or not. We were using AI tools long before anyone thought about them invading our classrooms, but we didn’t think they had classroom applications. But none have gotten the … Continue reading “What Will We Do with AI Tools in Education?”

Real-World Learning – Content is Nothing Without Context And Application

Do a Google search for Real World Learning. Then take a look at the number of search results. Depending on where you are in the world and what day you perform this particular search, you will likely get a different answer, but you should still come to the same conclusion I have: Real-World Learning is … Continue reading “Real-World Learning – Content is Nothing Without Context And Application”

What is a Hyperdoc?

The reason HyperDocs work is because each one begins with strong lesson design, curates quality instructional content, and packages learning in a way that engages learners. A HyperDoc shifts the focus from teacher-led lectures to student-driven, inquiry-based learning, allowing students to actually learn through exploration. – The HyperDoc Handbook HyperDocs are an emerging tool in … Continue reading “What is a Hyperdoc?”