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Everything I’m writing is s#*%

Greetings Starfighters, Happy first (partial) week of spring here in the Northern Hemisphere—our southern neighbors rejoice as they head into my favorite time of year… I’ve walked around most of this week not knowing what day it was or just being off a day. I’m quite...

Leveraging ChatGPT for Customized Learning

Photo by Tranmautritam on Recently, on the Easy EdTech podcast, Dr. Monica Burns spoke with Sarah Wysocki on the use of ChatGPT in education. Wysocki, an English language learner teacher, discusses using ChatGPT to create personalized, culturally relevant...

Scraft – An AI Writing Tutor for Language Learners

Photo by Skylar Kang on In a recent study conducted by researchers at Columbia University, a prototype AI writing-support tool named Scraft has been developed. This tool is designed to aid writing education by using recursive feedback mechanisms to...