Why Every High School Grad Should Read “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankl

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Photo by Skitterphoto on Pexels.com


In the vast landscape of literary works, few books possess the power to profoundly impact readers and alter their perspectives. “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankl is one such book. It offers a unique blend of memoir and psychological insight, providing readers with invaluable lessons on the human condition and the pursuit of meaning in life. This article aims to highlight the significance of this remarkable book, explaining why it is essential for every high school graduate to read and absorb its wisdom.

Understanding Victor Frankl

Who is Victor Frankl?

Victor Frankl, an Austrian psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor, penned “Man’s Search for Meaning” based on his experiences in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Frankl endured unimaginable suffering and loss, but it was through these harrowing experiences that he developed his groundbreaking psychological theory known as logotherapy.

The Concept of Logotherapy

Logotherapy posits that the primary motivating force in humans is the search for meaning in life. According to Frankl, this search for meaning is what drives individuals to overcome adversity and find purpose, even in the face of extreme suffering. Through his book, he eloquently explores this concept, providing readers with profound insights into the human capacity for resilience and the importance of finding meaning in life.

Lessons from “Man’s Search for Meaning”

1. Discovering Purpose and Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning” emphasizes the fundamental importance of having a sense of purpose in life. Frankl argues that by discovering and embracing our unique purpose, we can find the strength to endure and transcend even the most challenging circumstances. This message holds significant relevance for high school graduates who are embarking on their journey into adulthood, as they face new challenges and uncertainties.

2. Overcoming Adversity

Frankl’s personal experiences in the concentration camps serve as a testament to the indomitable human spirit. He demonstrates that even in the darkest of times, individuals possess the power to choose their attitudes and find meaning in their suffering. This powerful message resonates with high school graduates who are about to encounter various obstacles and setbacks on their path to personal and professional growth.

3. Cultivating Resilience

Man’s Search for Meaning” teaches us that resilience is not merely the ability to bounce back from adversity; it is the capacity to transform pain into growth and find meaning in our experiences. By reading this book, high school graduates can gain valuable insights into developing their resilience, enabling them to navigate the challenges they will inevitably encounter throughout their lives.

4. Embracing Personal Responsibility

Frankl emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one’s own life. He argues that individuals have the freedom to choose their attitudes and responses, even in the face of unimaginable suffering. High school graduates can benefit from this lesson by understanding that they have the power to shape their own destinies and make choices that align with their values and aspirations.

The Impact on High School Graduates

Reading “Man’s Search for Meaning” has the potential to profoundly impact high school graduates in various ways. By internalizing the book’s powerful messages, they can:

  1. Develop a sense of purpose and direction in life.
  2. Build resilience and face challenges with strength and determination.
  3. Embrace personal responsibility and make conscious choices.
  4. Find meaning and fulfillment in their experiences and relationships.
  5. Gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and empathy for others.


In a world where individuals are constantly searching for meaning and purpose, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by

Victor Frankl offers a guiding light. Its profound insights into the human spirit, resilience, and the pursuit of meaning make it an indispensable read for high school graduates. By delving into Frankl’s gripping memoir and psychological theories, graduates can embark on a transformative journey that will shape their perspectives and equip them with invaluable tools for a fulfilling life. It is with utmost conviction that we recommend “Man’s Search for Meaning” as essential reading for every high school graduate.

Man’s Search for Meaning: Gift Edition
  • Hardcover Book
  • Frankl, Viktor E. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 200 Pages – 10/28/2014 (Publication Date) – Beacon Press (Publisher)

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The Art and Joy of Building a Personal Library: An Enthusiast’s Guide

books on shelves
Photo by Huỳnh Đạt on Pexels.com

When you stand inside somebody’s library, you get a powerful sense of who they are, and not just who they are now but who they’ve been. . . . It’s a wonderful thing to have in a house. It’s something I worry is endangered by the rise of the e-book. When you turn off an e-book, there’s no map. All that’s left behind is a chunk of gray plastic.

Lev Grossman

There’s something comforting about surrounding yourself with books. If you’re not sure what that feeling is, I encourage you to take a trip to your local public library. Head inside, stroll into the first stack of books you see and just stand there.

Don’t grab a book yet. Don’t walk around the stacks and browse. Just stand there. Let the voices of past and present speak to you. Hear the wisdom of ages, the folly of tyrants, and let the whimsical dance of poets blanket your soul.

You don’t have to take a book home, but you should. You don’t have to pick up a book at all, but you should.

If you stand in the library long enough, you’ll feel a pull on your inner being.

That’s the feeling I’m speaking of right now. The feeling that there is something you need in one of those books; the feeling that what you are seeking is within your grasp.

You can have this feeling at home by building a personal library. A personal library is an excellent tool for both personal and professional growth. It serves to remind you of the vast amount of knowledge that exists in the world, and how much there is still to learn. In addition, it helps to keep you humble by showing you how much you don’t know.

My own journey toward building a personal library began during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s still a long way from where I want it to be, but I’m well on my way.

Building a personal library isn’t just about stocking books on a shelf. It’s about creating a refuge, a personal sanctuary that houses the wisdom of the ages and sparks your imagination. It’s about carving out a space that reflects your identity, where each book has been handpicked with love and care.

By building your personal library, you can discover new interests and passions, and expand your understanding of the world around you. It’s a hedge against hubris and complacency, providing a constant source of inspiration and motivation for personal growth.

“Read books are far less valuable than unread ones,” author Nassim Nicholas Taleb claims. Your “library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means, mortgage rates, and the currently tight real-estate market allows you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly.”

I know not everyone has the means to build a personal library of thousands of books. The thought of owning even 100 books might seem overwhelming. I promise it’s easier to get there than you think.

Whatever means you may have, start building a personal library. Start small by buying physical copies of the books you love. Buy them whenever you have a chance and the means.

“In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.”

Mark Twain

Let’s look at the process of building a personal library from scratch…

Building a Personal Library: The First Steps

Why Build a Personal Library? Before you dive headfirst into book buying, take a step back. Why do you want to build a personal library? Understanding your motives can help guide your choices and make the process more meaningful. Perhaps you’re an avid reader looking to curate a collection that reflects your literary journey. Maybe you’re a budding scholar who needs a comprehensive resource for research. Or perhaps, you just want a stunning visual display of your love for books. Whatever your reasons, keep them close to heart.

Choosing a Space for Your Library Next on the agenda is choosing a space. Think about where you’d like to house your books. A spare room, a cozy corner, or even a dedicated wall can serve as your personal library. The key is to choose a space that you’ll enjoy spending time in. Ideally, it should be quiet, well-lit, and comfortable.

Book Acquisition: The Heart of Building a Personal Library

Choosing Your Books Now comes the fun part – choosing your books! Start by considering your reading preferences. Are you a fan of classic literature or contemporary fiction? Do you love sci-fi, or are you more of a mystery enthusiast? Don’t just limit yourself to fiction. Your library can house a range of non-fiction genres, from history and philosophy to memoirs and travelogues.

Remember, building a personal library isn’t a race. It’s a journey of discovery, so take your time. Each book should add value to your collection, so consider each addition carefully.

Where to Buy Your Books Books can be sourced from a variety of places. Traditional bookstores, online retailers, second-hand stores, library sales, and even garage sales are all potential gold mines. Don’t shy away from used books; they often come with a sense of character and history that new books lack.

Organizing Your Personal Library

Categorization and Organization Now that you have your books, it’s time to arrange them. You could sort them alphabetically, by genre, by color, or by personal significance. Experiment and see what works best for you. Remember, the main purpose of organizing is to make it easier for you to find a particular book when you need it.

Labeling Your Books Consider labeling your books for added organization. You could invest in a personal library kit, complete with bookplates and a date stamp. Not only does this add a touch of professionalism, but it can also give your library an authentic feel.

“Don’t ever apologise to an author for buying something in paperback, or taking it out from a library (that’s what they’re there for…use your library). Don’t apologise to this author for buying books second hand, or getting them from bookcrossing or borrowing a friend’s copy. What’s important to me is that people read the books and enjoy them, and that, at some point in there, the book was bought by someone. And that people who like things, tell other people. The most important thing is that people read…”

Neil Gaiman

Creating the Ambience: The Soul of Your Personal Library

Furniture and Lighting The ambiance of your library is essential to making it a space where you’ll want to spend time. Choose comfortable seating, such as a plush armchair or a chaise lounge. Consider a sturdy table for your cup of tea or coffee. And don’t forget the lighting – a combination of natural and artificial light works best.

Decor and Personal Touches Lastly, infuse your personal style into your library. Decorate with artwork, potted plants, cozy rugs, or anything else that brings you joy. Remember, this is your space, so make it uniquely yours.

FAQs about Building a Personal Library

1. How much does it cost to build a personal library? The cost can vary greatly depending on your book-buying habits and the décor you choose. Building a personal library doesn’t have to be expensive, especially if you’re open to buying second-hand books and re-purposing furniture.

2. How long does it take to build a personal library? Building a personal library is a personal journey that can take as long as you want. It’s more about the quality of your collection than the quantity.

3. How many books do I need to start a personal library? There’s no set number. Your library could start with a handful of books that mean a lot to you. Over time, it can grow to house hundreds or even thousands of volumes.

4. Do I need a lot of space to build a personal library? Not necessarily. While a dedicated room is ideal, you can also create a beautiful library in a small corner or even on a single bookshelf.

5. How do I maintain my personal library? Keeping your books clean and in good condition is important. Dust them regularly and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or high humidity.

6. Can I digitize my personal library? Yes, digitizing your library is a great way to catalog and keep track of your books. There are various apps and software available for this purpose.


Building a personal library is a labor of love, a testament to your passion for books and learning. It’s a journey full of joy, self-discovery, and the simple pleasure of holding a good book in your hands. So, take your time, enjoy the process, and above all, let your library be a reflection of you. Happy reading!

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. If you’ve enjoyed the insights and stories, consider showing your support by subscribing to my weekly newsletter. It’s a great way to stay updated and dive deeper into my content. Alternatively, if you love audiobooks or want to try them, click here to start your free trial with Audible. Your support in any form means the world to me and helps keep this blog thriving. Looking forward to connecting with you more!

How to Read More Books: Learn from the Masters

photo of woman reading book
Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.com

Are you looking to read more books but can’t seem to find the time or the motivation? You’re not alone. The world is full of distractions that can waste your time and energy. But for those who have a passion for the written word, there are ways to overcome these hurdles and cultivate a robust reading habit.

Reading more books is an admirable goal that can expand your mind, improve your cognitive abilities, and offer you a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world. Bibliophiles like Tyler Cowen and Ryan Holiday are well-known for consuming vast quantities of books yearly. Let’s explore their strategies and learn from their habits.

Tyler Cowen: Quantity and Quality

Economics professor and co-founder of the blog Marginal Revolution, Tyler Cowen, is known for his voracious reading habits, consuming hundreds of books per year. How does he do it? Here are a few insights.

1. Skim first: Cowen advocates for speed reading or skimming through a book before deciding whether to devote more time to it. Skimming allows you to get the gist of the book, which can help you decide if it’s worth delving deeper.

2. Don’t be afraid to quit: If a book isn’t engaging or useful, Cowen recommends abandoning it. There’s no sense in wasting time on a book that isn’t providing value. Life is too short, and there are too many good books out there to stick with one that’s not working for you.

3. Read broadly, but specialize too: Cowen suggests reading widely to expose yourself to a variety of ideas, but also recommends specializing in certain areas. By focusing on specific subjects, you can develop a deeper understanding and knowledge base.

Ryan Holiday: Deliberate and Reflective Reading

Ryan Holiday, author, media strategist, and populizer of all things stoic philosophy, is another avid reader who goes through hundreds of books a year. He has a different approach to reading than Cowen; here are some of his strategies:

1. Always have a book with you: Holiday suggests always having a book on hand. This allows you to fill in those idle moments with reading rather than scrolling through your phone.

2. Note-taking and marginalia: Holiday is a firm believer in active reading. He takes notes, underlines passages, and writes in the margins of his books. This helps him engage more deeply with the material and aids in recall later on.

3. Reflect and review: Holiday recommends reviewing your notes and even rereading books to ensure comprehension and retention. By reflecting on what you’ve read, you can deepen your understanding and apply the knowledge to your own life.

Conclusion: Develop Your Own Reading Habit

While Cowen and Holiday have different strategies, they share a deep love of reading and a commitment to making it a priority. If you want to read more books, consider trying some of their strategies.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to read more books for the sake of quantity but to enrich your mind and life. So skim or dive deep, read broadly or specialize, take notes or reflect — find what works best for you and make reading a part of your daily routine. The world of books is vast and varied, and there’s always something new to discover.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. If you’ve enjoyed the insights and stories, consider showing your support by subscribing to my weekly newsletter. It’s a great way to stay updated and dive deeper into my content. Alternatively, if you love audiobooks or want to try them, click here to start your free trial with Audible. Your support in any form means the world to me and helps keep this blog thriving. Looking forward to connecting with you more!

Treat Everyone Like a King

"“Anyone can face ease and success with confidence. It is the way we face trouble and misfortune that defines us. Self-pity goes with selfishness, and there is nothing more to be deplored in a leader than that. Selfishness belongs to children, and to half-wits. A great leader puts others before himself. You would be surprised how acting so makes it easier to bear one’s own troubles. In order to act like a King, one need only treat everyone else like one.”" (Joe Abercrombie, Before They Are Hanged)

“Anyone can face ease and success with confidence. It is the way we face trouble and misfortune that defines us. Self-pity goes with selfishness, and there is nothing more to be deplored in a leader than that. Selfishness belongs to children, and to half-wits. A great leader puts others before himself. You would be surprised how acting so makes it easier to bear one’s own troubles. In order to act like a King, one need only treat everyone else like one.” (Joe Abercrombie, Before They Are Hanged)

Book Review – Traitor’s Blade: The Greatcoats, Book 1

Title: Traitor’s Blade: The Greatcoats, Book 1

Author: Sebastien de Castell

Publication Date: 2014

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 4.0 out of 5.0 stars

What It’s About

I have the pleasure of diving into the pages of Traitor’s Blade, the debut novel by Sebastien de Castell. This novel is the first entry in the critically-acclaimed Greatcoats series, a swashbuckling adventure set in the fictional realm of Tristia.

traitor's blade

Traitor’s Blade follows the story of Falcio Val Mond, the First Cantor of the Greatcoats, a group of traveling magistrates and warriors who once served the now-deceased King Paelis. Alongside his companions, Kest and Brasti, Falcio embarks on a thrilling journey to preserve their king’s legacy and restore justice to the kingdom. As the trio navigates the treacherous political landscape of Tristia, they must confront the formidable Dukes and Duchesses, who have plunged the realm into chaos after the king’s assassination.

De Castell masterfully weaves a tale of camaraderie, loyalty, and betrayal in a world filled with complex political intrigue and unforgettable characters. The author’s background in fencing and historical reenactment lends an authentic touch to the vivid swordplay and duels that punctuate the novel.

Falcio’s narrative voice is relatable and engaging, drawing the reader into the heart of the story. His unwavering dedication to the Greatcoats’ mission, combined with his moral compass and quick wit, make him a compelling protagonist. Meanwhile, the supporting characters, including Kest and Brasti, are well-rounded and contribute to the story’s emotional depth.

The novel’s pacing is brisk, and de Castell adeptly balances moments of humor and heartbreak with thrilling action sequences. The author also skillfully reveals the broader world of Tristia and its history, hinting at the larger narrative that will unfold in subsequent books.

traitor's blade

In conclusion, Traitor’s Blade is an exhilarating and captivating fantasy adventure that pays homage to the swashbuckling tales of old while carving out its own unique space in the genre. Sebastien de Castell has crafted a world full of intrigue and memorable characters, leaving readers eager to follow Falcio and his friends on their quest for justice. This novel is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and those looking for an immersive, action-packed story with heart.

How I Discovered It

I wish I could say that there was great intention and planning that led me to this book or that it had been on my TBR for a long time. But that’s simply not the case. I finished another book on Scribd and was just browsing the catalog. Traitor’s Blade looked interesting, and I dove in. And I loved it!


As I said, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. The characters are well-developed, and you feel the sense of urgency they have throughout their travels.

In Traitor’s Blade, we join Falcio and his fellow Greatcoats, Brasti, and Kest, on a thrilling journey through a corrupt kingdom. From the very beginning, the novel charges ahead at an exhilarating pace, leaving readers breathless as they experience Falcio’s sheer determination firsthand. The relentless action and challenges faced by our heroes make for an incredibly immersive read, as they must utilize every weapon, tactic, and bit of cunning at their disposal to survive. Through it all, the witty and razor-sharp dialogue stands out as some of the finest in the fantasy genre.

traitor's blade

At the heart of this enthralling tale lies the unbreakable bond between Falcio, Brasti, and Kest, which proves to be an absolute delight to behold. Falcio’s strategic mind, Brasti’s cheeky archery skills, and Kest’s unrivaled swordsmanship make for a captivating and formidable trio. Indeed, the comparison to the Three Musketeers is apt, as the natural and playful camaraderie between these characters is one of the novel’s strongest elements. As a reader, you can’t help but laugh, smile, and feel the heartache alongside them as they battle adversity, bicker, and find themselves in the most precarious situations imaginable.

What I Liked About It

The worldbuilding in Traitor’s Blade is top-notch, with a rich history and political landscape that feels fully realized. The addition of the Greatcoats, with their unique blend of law enforcement and warrior skills, adds an intriguing layer to the story. The swordplay scenes are also incredibly well-written and exciting, making this a must-read for fans of action-packed fantasy.

What I Didn’t Like About It

One thing that might be a drawback for some readers is the occasional nonlinear storytelling, which can make the timeline of events feel a bit disjointed at times.

Who Would Like It?

As a fan of the book, I wholeheartedly recommend Traitor’s Blade to anyone looking for a fast-paced, action-packed fantasy adventure that showcases the power of friendship, loyalty, and the human spirit. Other books in the Greatcoats series include Knight’s Shadow, Saint’s Blood, and Tyrant’s Throne.

Other Books You Might Enjoy:

  1. The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott Lynch – A gritty, fast-paced tale of a talented con artist and his band of thieves in a richly detailed fantasy world.
  2. The Blade Itself (The First Law Trilogy #1) by Joe Abercrombie – A dark, character-driven fantasy that delves into the lives of a diverse group of protagonists, each with their own agendas and motives.
  3. The Riyria Revelations series by Michael J. Sullivan – A captivating fantasy series following a pair of thieves, Royce Melborn and Hadrian Blackwater, as they navigate a world filled with political intrigue, danger, and adventure.
  4. Kings of the Wyld (The Band #1) by Nicholas Eames – A humorous and heartfelt story about a group of retired mercenaries who reunite for one last epic quest.
  5. Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo – A fast-paced, character-driven heist story set in a richly imagined world featuring a diverse and morally complex cast of characters.
  6. The Powder Mage Trilogy by Brian McClellan – A gripping tale of magic, politics, and revolution set in a unique world where powder mages wield gunpowder-based sorcery.
  7. The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks – An action-packed fantasy series following the story of a young assassin, Azoth, as he navigates the treacherous world of magic and politics.
  8. The Shadow of the Wind (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books #1) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón – A literary thriller set in post-war Barcelona, where a young boy discovers a mysterious book that changes his life and leads him on a dangerous quest.
  9. The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb – A richly detailed, character-driven epic fantasy series following the life of FitzChivalry Farseer, a royal bastard turned assassin, and his complex relationships with those around him.
  10. The Broken Empire Trilogy by Mark Lawrence – A dark and compelling fantasy series about a ruthless prince, Jorg Ancrath, who embarks on a brutal journey to claim his birthright and conquer a fractured empire.

Book Review – The Lies of Locke Lamora

Title: The Lies of Locke Lamora

Author: Scott Lynch

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: 4.0 out of 5.0 stars

What It’s About

In the bustling, corrupt city of Camorr, an orphan named Locke Lamora emerges as an ingenious thief, a master of deception, and the leader of a band of skilled swindlers known as the Gentleman Bastards. In Scott Lynch’s captivating debut novel, “The Lies of Locke Lamora,” we are transported to a richly imagined world of criminal intrigue and breathtaking adventures that keep us hooked from the very first page.

The story follows the life of Locke Lamora from his tragic childhood to his rise as a skilled con artist under the tutelage of Father Chains, a blind priest who is, in fact, a criminal mastermind. Alongside his fellow Gentleman Bastards, Locke sets out to carry off the ultimate heist: swindling the city’s wealthy nobles of their fortunes while avoiding the attention of the city’s powerful criminal underworld, led by the mysterious figure known as Capa Barsavi.

As the plot unfolds, the stakes rise, and the intricate web of lies and deception grows ever more tangled. The Gentleman Bastards find themselves embroiled in a perilous game of cat and mouse with the enigmatic Gray King, a deadly figure who seeks to overthrow the established criminal order. As the danger escalates, Locke must use every ounce of his cunning and guile to outwit his enemies and protect his friends while navigating the thin line between loyalty and betrayal.

Lynch’s writing is a delightful blend of humor, suspense, and rich world-building. He has created an intricate, layered society that mirrors the complexities of our own world. The Lies of Locke Lamora is a tale of friendship, loyalty, and the fine art of deception. With its vivid characters, razor-sharp dialogue, and thrilling action sequences, the novel is a masterclass in storytelling.

In summary, “The Lies of Locke Lamora” is an enthralling and inventive fantasy novel that will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series. Scott Lynch has created an unforgettable protagonist in Locke Lamora, a character whose cunning and charm will undoubtedly resonate with fans of the genre. A must-read for anyone who enjoys immersive world-building, clever heists, and unforgettable characters.

How I Discovered It

This book was recommended to me by nearly everyone I know who reads books similar to those I enjoy.

“When you don’t know everything you could know, it’s a fine time to shut your fucking noisemaker and be polite.” (Scott Lynch, The Lies of Locke Lamora)


While I enjoyed the book, it did take some time for me to get into it. There is quite a bit of world-building at the beginning of the book, so much so that I began to wonder exactly where the plot would end up.

However, once the story picked up, I was completely engrossed. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is full of unexpected twists and turns. I especially enjoyed the intricate heists that Locke and his crew pull off. The world-building is also impressive, with vivid descriptions of the city of Camorr and its various factions.

What I Liked About It

I loved the dynamic between the members of the Gentleman Bastards and the witty banter that they engage in. The world-building is also fantastic, and I found myself fully immersed in the richly imagined city of Camorr.

What I Didn’t Like About It

As mentioned before, the beginning of the book can be slow due to the extensive world-building. Additionally, some of the violent scenes may be too graphic for some readers.

Who Would Like It?

Fans of fantasy heist novels will love “The Lies of Locke Lamora.” It’s a great choice for readers who enjoy complex plots, well-developed characters, and immersive world-building.

Related Books

Readers who enjoyed “The Lies of Locke Lamora” may also enjoy the sequels, “Red Seas Under Red Skies” and “The Republic of Thieves,” as well as “Six of Crows” by Leigh Bardugo.

The Reading List for February 2023

Two things came to mind as I began compiling this month’s reading list: deeper learning in schools and the power of embracing your authentic self. The first one is, of course, on my mind pretty much every day. Any work that I have done in education has ultimately been centered on creating deeper learning experiences for students.

Second, the idea of embracing your authentic self is important to me since I spent the majority of my life not being my authentic self. Growing up in an environment in which I was expected to do “the right thing”—a pretty subjective idea—and what I wanted to do wasn’t easy. I’m getting there, but there haven’t been many of my 46 years on this planet that have been guided by my own passions and thoughts.

Now, on to this month’s book recommendations:

Failure to Disrupt

If there was ever a book that arrived at the perfect time in the education world, it’s this one.

In this book, Justin Reich argues against the idea that technology can completely change schools and how students learn. He does this by describing and analyzing different educational technologies in a realistic way. Reich draws on his positions at Harvard and MIT to provide unparalleled insight into the progress of these trends and their limitations in practice.

This book sheds light on the issues with educational technologies, such as the various approaches and tools developed by technologists. It offers valuable insights into what to consider when adopting, utilizing, and implementing technologies in different educational settings, especially during the era of virtual learning and social distancing.

In Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education, the author questions the ability of educational technologies to bring transformative changes to education. Despite the promises of affordable, accessible, effective, and engaging education for all students, the author points out the inconsistencies in enrollment and completion of online courses and the limited benefits for students from low socioeconomic statuses. The author also highlights four challenges: the Curse of the familiar, the trap of routine assessments, the EdTech Matthew effect, and the toxic power of data and experiments.

The book’s last chapter, “Conclusion: Preparing for the Next Learning-at-Scale Hype Cycle,” is key. The author urges readers, including educators, administrators, policymakers, and technologists, to carefully evaluate educational technologies and be cautious of tools that claim to be transformative. To do so, he poses the following questions: 1) What’s new? 2) Who guides the learning experience? 3) Is the pedagogy trying to fill pails or kindle flames? 4) What existing technologies does it adopt? He also emphasizes the need to examine how and when technological tools can be incorporated into students’ learning processes and warns against factors that could hinder learners’ abilities to achieve desired results.

Failure to Disrupt offers compelling arguments on educational technology, examining the hype and laying the foundations for a promising future in the field.

Leadership for Deeper Learning

Full disclosure on this one: I am lucky to call all three of the authors who collaborated on this project friends. Even if I didn’t have that connection, I’d still recommend this book to you. It’s a fantastic look at innovative schools and what they are doing to create deeper learning experiences for students.

This book examines how leaders have introduced, maintained, and advanced innovative, deeper learning opportunities in their schools.

Schools are changing to be more action-oriented, focused on performance, digitally relevant, and democratic. This book highlights innovative practices across seven categories: vision, agency in learning, trust in teachers, openness to new ideas, over-communicating change, equity-mindedness, and courage to live outside norms.

Leadership for Deeper Learning explores how school leaders can create new learning environments for students and teachers, with practical strategies and stories to inspire change and innovation.

Most Likely to Succeed

While this book has been around for a bit, the message is no less relevant today than it was in 2015, perhaps more so in the wake of COVID-19

Most Likely to Succeed looks at the problems with the US education system and suggests ways to better prepare future generations for the age of innovation, such as changing the way we teach and what we teach.

According to Tony Wagner and Ted Dintersmith, schools are not equipping students with the skills they need to succeed as ethical citizens and productive employees, and they are also forcing them to learn useless information superficially. Wagner and Dintersmith say that this makes it harder for students to follow their passions and get real-world experience. They also say that it makes teachers unhappy and keeps society divided along class lines.

The key message of Most Likely to Succeed is this: although society is advancing at an astonishing speed, our education system is stuck in the nineteenth century. Consequently, we’re educating our children to succeed in a bygone era. To give our kids the opportunity to succeed, we must creatively reimagine education for the innovation era.

What Schools Could Be

In What Schools Could Be, Ted Dintersmith shares solutions he discovered while traveling to 50 states, 200 schools, over a hundred community forums, and a thousand meetings. The book talks about innovation in K–12 education, online learning, colleges and universities, and short-term immersive experiences. It’s a great way to learn about the American educational innovation landscape.

In Dintersmith’s model, a great school has four parts (PEAK):

  • Purpose: Where students do actual important work.
  • Essentials: There’s a backbone to what they’re learning that they’ll need in the future.
  • Agency: Students are in charge of their learning and are intrinsically motivated.
  • Knowledge: Everything learned is deep and retained, they are creators and teach others what they know

Kitchen Confidential

I miss Anthony Bourdain almost as much as I miss Tom Petty, which is a lot. I’m sure as you reach this section you’re asking yourself, “What the hell is a book about line cooks doing amongst books about education?”

Allow me to try and explain…

The book takes the form of a biography chronicling Bourdain’s time in the culinary industry. Interspersed with cooking advice, it covers the love between a chef and sous-chef, as well as the chef’s relationship with delusional owners. The biography takes you through Bourdain’s childhood and his realization, while in France, of the importance of food. It then follows his journey from his start in the culinary industry, through culinary college, and up the ranks of various chef positions until he eventually runs his own kitchen with, as he puts it, “brigades of pirates, degenerates, and thieves.” Filled with wild anecdotes of kitchen misbehavior, drugs, sex, rock and roll, more drugs, and truffle oil, the book illustrates the hardships of the industry, including long hours, injuries, and sexual harassment, and how people still choose to do it. One particularly powerful chapter towards the end of the book goes blow-by-blow through an average day in the life of a chef.

While the life of an educator doesn’t have nearly the entertainment value of the life of a chef, there are certain parts of the job that are difficult, frustrating, and perhaps even maddening. The relationships between teachers and students, the demands on teachers’ time, meaningless mandates from far-away misguided legislators, and the never-ending grind of the school year can have many teachers feel like they are on the line. And maybe they are.

But in the relentless pursuit of making something great, there are always obstacles. There are always trying times. There will always be something to improve, whether that is a 7th-grade math lesson or an exclusive dish at a Michelin-star restaurant.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I thoroughly enjoyed this inside look at a madcap world that so many of us will never experience or understand. It’s all fun stuff. The anecdotes, characters, and asides are crazy enough that Bourdain wouldn’t need to be a great writer to make them work. But he is a good writer with a unique voice and a dry sense of humor that makes his TV shows stand out. Together, these elements make the book not only an interesting read but also a real pleasure. I laughed out loud numerous times throughout.

Honorable Mentions

I can’t talk about being your authentic self and driving for what you really want in life without mentioning The War of Art, the modern classic on overcoming Resistance and becoming the creative genius you were meant to become. And if you’re wanting to dive deeper into discovering your authentic self, you should add Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown to your list, along with Victor Frankl’s classic Man’s Search for Meaning. I’d also recommend Flow as a way to get the most out of your creativity and reach your fullest potential.

I hope you enjoyed this month’s reading list! Remember, reading is a great way to expand your knowledge and understanding of the world. Whether you’re interested in education, leadership, or just looking for a good memoir, there’s something on this list for everyone. So, grab a book and start reading!

Quotes, Mindfulness, & Adventure

Hey, y’all.

This week, I’m thinking about taking care of myself while preparing for the new school year. It’s late February, and the ramp-up for the new school year is here. Meetings, quick chats, emails, and video conferences fill the calendars of many school leaders this time of year, not to mention the very sudden increase in conferences filled with pitches from every company under the sun.

When this happens, I try to remain grounded and keep doing the things I know will apply a little salve to my soul.

As such, here are 10 quotes this week to give you something to think about, something to comfort you, or something to inspire you.

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10 Things Worth Sharing

  1. “Truly clever things are said with short words. Long ones are used to hide stupidity.” (Joe Abercrombie, A Little Hatred)
  2. “Evidence of a traditional professional learning model: Decreased teacher attendance on in-service days. The experience is fully planned by the administration in a top-down approach, with little to no teacher involvement. The experience is designed with a one-size-fits-all approach. A mass exodus occurs when the required time is up. There is little opportunity for teacher feedback on the experience. Professional learning is viewed as a set number of hours or calendar days per year. Accountability is measured in hours—not in progress or outcomes over time. Supervision conversations focus on experiences attended and hours earned—not on the transformation of instructional pedagogy. Professional learning is viewed solely as a district responsibility.” (Eric C. Sheninger, Thomas C. Murray, Learning Transformed)
  3. “We don’t need to get rid of all our possessions, but we should constantly question what we own, why we own it, and whether we could do without.” (Ryan Holiday, Stillness Is the Key)
  4. “My greatest successes came from decisions I made when I stopped thinking and simply did what felt right. Even if there was no good explanation for what I did.” (Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind)
  5. “In your whole life nobody has ever abused you more than you have abused yourself.” (Don Miguel Ruiz, Janet Mills, The Four Agreements)
  6. “Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. It will multiply whatever you feed it. Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy.” (James Clear, Atomic Habits)
  7. “Games make us happy because they are hard work that we choose for ourselves, and it turns out that almost nothing makes us happier than good, hard work.” (Jane McGonigal, Reality Is Broken)
  8. “No matter how good you were, someone was better. Live by that knowledge, and you would never grow so confident that you became sloppy.” (Brandon Sanderson, The Emperor’s Soul)
  9. “The key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond good intentions and add routines and rituals to your working life designed to minimize the amount of your limited willpower necessary to transition into and maintain a state of unbroken concentration.” (Cal Newport, Deep Work)
  10. “Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.” (Steven Pressfield, The War of Art)

Thanks for reading. This newsletter is a completely reader-supported publication. The best way to support it is to check out my recommendations or become a paid subscriber.

Rethinking & Reviewing

Happy Tuesday, folks. More appropriately (I guess), Happy Fat Tuesday.

Full disclaimer: I’m not Catholic, and Mardi Gras has no personal meaning for me. But many of you may join in the festivities and Lenten practices for the next 40 days. If you do, awesome. If you don’t, you’re welcome to hang with the rest of us heretics.

It’s been a couple of weeks since I sent out a newsletter on Tuesday. Life happens, deadlines loom, and if you’re me, there’s the ever-present anxiety beast that hangs back in the shadows, ready to rear its ugly head when you least expect it.

So, it’s been a minute. But we press on through whatever life throws our way and embrace what comes. In these times, I remember the words of Epictetus,

The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the choices that are my own…” — Epictetus, Discourses, 2.5.4–5


You and I can only control what we can control. Trying to exercise influence over anything else is fruitless and will only cause us distress. For me, that means managing my schedule a little better and giving myself grace for getting all the things that I have to get done. That’s not easy for me, and it likely isn’t easy for you, o fearless type A perfectionist overachiever that you are.

Not that I have any experience speaking about such things…

So, today’s newsletter is a little different. I’m just going to call it “Rethinking & Reviewing” because you’re about to go on a journey through Mike’s stream of consciousness, and we’ll both find out the destination when we get there.

Here we go…

What I’m Thinking

The first year of my year-long teacher fellowship is coming to a close. We’ve met over the course of this school year to chat and help each other redesign lesson plans for deeper learning opportunities using the 4 Shifts protocol as a reference. To say the program has gone well would be a tremendous understatement. The feedback I’m receiving from the fellows is great and full of deep reflection. Most are well on their way to completing their lessons with students, and I’ll share more soon. For me, this first year will inform my work with other teachers and future cohorts but will likely also lead to part of the work for my dissertation in the coming years.

Speaking of deeper learning, I listened to episode 2 of the “Redesigning for Deeper Learning” podcast and was challenged by one particular thought: what does “student choice” really mean? Depending on the context of the lesson, giving the students options to choose from may or may not truly be “student choice.” With several lessons from my fellows fresh in my mind, I’m rolling this around in my head quite a bit this morning.

What I’m Reading

One of my goals this year for reading is to finish up all the published Cosmere works from Brandon Sanderson. I’ve gotten through most of Arcanum Unbounded, which features several previously published short stories and novellas based in the connected Cosmere. I also finished Warbreaker in January, and it might have become one of my favorite Sanderson novels. My current pick of the bunch from Arcanum is “Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell,” a short story originally published in a collection, Dangerous Women, edited by George R.R. Martin. It’s a different tale from the standard Sanderson fare, leaning a bit more toward the horror genre. It was a fantastic read.

I’m also re-reading How to Write a Lot because I need a swift kick in the pants to get my writing practice back in order. There’s no better motivation to do that than when you hear the words “your dissertation starts NOW” during a Saturday morning class. Yikes.

On the academic reading side of the world, I’ve been using Speechify for a ridiculous amount of time to process articles. For my attention-span deficient brain – no formal diagnosis, just my own experiences – having the audio version of a text playing while I am reading is a brilliant focus tool. I read faster, retain more, and am able to focus far better than when I try to read text only. This is especially true for reading journal articles, papers, and so on. Speechify gives me an audio version of just about any text on my laptop or in my web browser. I now consider it an invaluable part of my productivity toolkit, right alongside Notion and Readwise.

What I’m Watching

In my random voyage of self-care, I ran across several seasons of the 90s revival of “The Outer Limits” on YouTube. If you’re not familiar with the show, it’s an anthology series of separate sci-fi stories and features some surprising guest star appearances from some popular stars of the day (heck, even Leonard Nimoy shows up). In some episodes, they do make an attempt to connect some of the stories, which makes for interesting situations. Overall, a great way to spend 45 minutes.

Oh, and Picard Season 3 just started, so there’s that, too 😉

What’s in My Ears

Two recent episodes of The Daily from the NY Times caught my interest, mostly because they deal with the recent explosion of AI tools. “The Online Search Wars” and “The Online Search Wars Got Scary Fast” are well worth the listen.

Also, I continue to update my 2023 playlist of songs I discover, or remember, throughout the year. I’ve compiled playlists like this for 20222021, and 2020.

Wrapping Up

Well, I think I’ve rambled enough. Thanks again for reading and coming along for the ride. Have a great week!

Thanks for reading. This newsletter is a completely reader-supported publication. The best way to support it is to check out my recommendations or become a paid subscriber.

Books I Read in January 2023

Good grief. Somehow, we’ve already burned through the first month of 2023. My year started with a bang with several projects at work with my teaching fellowship and with a new round of doctoral classes. Time is just flying by! I’m grateful for the opportunities, but sometimes it feels like there’s not enough time in the day. Does anyone else feel like this? How do you all manage your time? I’ll share some of my best tactics to save time and organize my days later this month.

For now, let’s dig into the books I read in January 2023. This month’s books include fiction and non-fiction titles. Two of these books are specific to my doctoral classes and, as such, won’t be far from my desk for the rest of this semester. One of the books is the first of Brandon Sanderson’s “Secret Projects,” unveiled last year as part of the most successful Kickstarter ever.

But first, here are some stats from my StoryGraph for the month of January 2023:

January 2023 reading stats for Mike Paul from Storygraph
January 2023 reading stats for Mike Paul from Storygraph

And now… TO THE BOOKS!

Tress of the Emerald Sea

The first book of the year for me arrived in my inbox at midnight, mountain time. Which means I was fast asleep when it showed up! However, bright and early on the morning of January 1, I sent the ebook to my Kindle (my physical copy will arrive soon enough) and dove in.

The wait was long, and I did my very best to avoid pretty much any plot points or even commentary Sanderson provided before the launch.

The wait was well worth it. What a joy this book was to read. I smiled while reading for probably over half of the book. And at the end, I reveled in the warm, fuzzy feeling of an instant favorite and classic. I haven’t finished all of Sanderson’s Cosmere books yet (that’s one of my goals for 2023), but this one is currently in my top three books, right behind Oathbringer and The Hero of Ages.

If you’re a Sanderson fan, this is a must-read. If you’re not yet a Sanderson fan, dive in this year. This book will be waiting for you when you’re ready.

2001: A Space Odyssey

I’m a big fan of science fiction, so I was especially looking forward to reading 2001: A Space Odyssey. I knew it was a classic, and I was excited to see how the world-renowned movie adaptation compared to the book. I’ve seen the movie several times but never read the book.

Unlike other film adaptations, this novel was written right alongside the development of the film. Stanley Kubrick (the director) and Arthur Clarke (the writer) worked together through the process, each getting the writing credit for the film and book, respectively.

The novel did not disappoint. It is an absolute masterpiece and a classic in the science fiction genre. The story is gripping and thoughtful, the setting is unique and captivating, and the characters are well-developed and memorable.

What’s remarkable about the book is how different it is from the movie. While the movie does a great job of conveying the overall plot and has magnificent visuals, it lacks the nuanced details that make the book so compelling. The book provides greater detail and helps define the scope of the themes in the film masterfully.

Overall, I highly recommend this book to any fan of science fiction. It’s an incredible piece of literature with many interesting and thought-provoking ideas. It’s a must-read for any fan of the genre.

The Great Gatsby

Yes, I probably should have read this book before I was 46 years old. Sue me. It was not on the list of required books when I was in high school, so I didn’t read it. My apologies to all fans of the book and all its various adaptations.

First, let’s clear the air. I did not enjoy the book. Not at all.

Even so, I have to say that this is a book worth reading. I respect it for its place in the classics of American literature and the impact it has had over the years.

It brings the glamour of the Jazz age alive and also offers an interesting view of life’s relationship with wealth and power. The novel touches upon themes like ambition and disillusionment, offering up a compelling psychological study of its characters.

While Fitzgerald’s writing style is sometimes criticized for being overly romantic and sentimental, there’s no denying the power of his prose. The Great Gatsby shows that it still has a lot to say about life today. It’s a story of dreams, desires, and consequences that can still be felt many decades later.

Oliver Twist

This was not my first time reading Oliver Twist. I love Dickens’s novels. Love them. This time, I listened to an audio dramatization of the novel that was stunning. It was incredibly well-acted, and the music and sound effects added to the story’s intensity.

The novel follows the adventures of Oliver Twist, an orphan in London who is tossed from one misfortunate situation to another. It’s full of incredible characters like Fagin and Bill Sykes, as well as moments of heartbreak and suffering.

It’s a timeless story that shows the power of hope, even in the darkest of times. It may be set in Victorian England, but its themes of poverty and injustice still resonate today. It is an inspiring reminder to always keep on fighting against all odds.


After reading a large chunk of the Cosmere novels, I finally went back to “the beginning” of sorts. Elantris is Brandon Sanderson’s first published novel but the sixth one he wrote. Elantris takes place in a world of magic and wonder, but it’s also filled with tragedy, loss, and pain.

As others have pointed out, Sanderson’s writing has improved greatly since Elantris’ publication. However, the book is still fantastic and gives hints of much of the Cosmere awesomeness to come.

Sanderson has said that he will write sequels to Elantris in the future, and I’m looking forward to how they will tie into the larger Cosmere universe.

Stalking the Nightmare

Harlan Freaking Ellison. I think this is my third time reading this collection of stories from the Grand Master of speculative fiction. Stalking the Nightmare is an amazing read every time, as are all of Ellison’s collections.

Ellison grabs you by the throat with his prose and doesn’t let go, not ever. His stories are intense, heart-wrenching, and full of emotion. If you haven’t read this book yet, I highly recommend it for its exploration of themes like mortality, identity, morality, creativity, and the endless cycle of tragedy, loss, and pain.

I’m thrilled that author J Michael Straczynski is working to get all of Ellison’s works republished and finally get the anthology “The Last Dangerous Visions” published.

To be sure, Ellison can be problematic, and he certainly was not a great person to work with at any time. But his contributions to speculative fiction cannot be overlooked.

Reframing Organizations

This classic of organizational theory — this is the seventh edition — is one of the books for my doctoral work.

In Reframing Organizations, Bolman and Deal offer a unique perspective on organizations, focusing on four frames: structural, human resources, political and symbolic. They argue that all four frames must be taken into account when looking at the inner workings of an organization.

The book is very accessible and flows well, making it easy to understand even for those with little background in organizational theory. This update includes examples from more recent organizational leadership scenarios, including commentary on the Trump presidency.

Mixed Methods Applications in Action Research

The second book for this semester’s doctoral studies, this book goes into incredible detail about creating a mixed methods action research project.

Of course, it is primarily a handbook for budding researchers and not a captivating read. However, if you’re curious about the mixed methods action research methodology, you may want to add this to your reference library.

The Prestige

I have a unique connection to the film version of “The Prestige.” My grandfather passed away on the morning of Halloween in 2006. To help take my mind off that incredible loss, my girlfriend (now my wife) and I went to the movies and saw “The Prestige.”

I have loved the film ever since.

Whether I knew about it and forgot or just never knew, I didn’t realize the film was based on a novel. As soon as I did, I picked it up and dove in.

While the film for me is more enjoyable than the novel, the novel does bring a different perspective to the events and the characters. Altogether a fine read.

Deep Work

Cal Newport defines “deep work” as focused, uninterrupted, undistracted work on a task that pushes your cognitive abilities to their limit.

In comparison, “shallow work” means tasks that don’t need much thinking – like answering emails, doing paperwork, and going to unproductive meetings. These tasks don’t give much value, and anyone can do them.

Newport argues that developing new concepts and achieving great results requires deep work, not shallow work. Shallow work is small and incremental, whereas deep work can be life-changing.

Now, as an educator in the K-12 sector, much of what Newport outlines here with time blocking and other techniques don’t translate well to the daily life of a teacher.

However, there is still much to learn and apply here, we have to modify for our work.

For example, rather than blocking off large chunks of time to focus on a single task, teachers can look at ways to make the most efficient use of their limited time.

This could include carving out shorter periods for deep work focused on planning or assessment and using the rest of their day for shallow tasks like grading papers or completing administrative duties.

Overall, Deep Work is a great read for anyone looking to maximize their productivity.


Peak: Secrets From the New Science of Expertise looks at how people gain skills and how top performers in music, sports, and other areas grow their abilities. It may appear that people such as Chopin, Beethoven, or Roger Federer have a natural gift that allows them to do amazing things without hard work, but in fact, they put in a lot of effort.

The book discusses that, as your skills improve, you will come to a point that will cause you to change how you “practice” that skill to see greater improvement. The process involves moving from “purposeful practice,” a process involving setting specific goals, getting feedback, and stepping outside of your comfort zone, to “deliberate practice,” which builds on the principles of purposeful practice but applies them in a systematic, rigorous framework that leads to the kind of performances we see from acknowledged experts.

Think about all we do in our schools. Not just what our students do as part of the learning process but what we do as teachers improving our practice. By embracing the principles of deliberate practice and applying them to every, we could create a far better world, one with profound implications for technology, healthcare, public service, and countless other fields.

On War

I know, I know. You’re thinking to yourself, “why is an educator reading a book on war strategies?”

I get it, this is probably not the book you would find on most teachers’ bookshelves. However, as someone who wants to make significant changes in the educational system, I think that any strategy I can find to help me in that “war” will be helpful.

On War by Carl von Clausewitz is arguably the most influential Western treatise on the subject of war. Clausewitz was a Prussian general who fought in the Napoleonic wars in the early 1800s, and he wrote extensively about military philosophy, strategy, and tactics.

The book consists of a large collection of essays. The author intended to develop them into a comprehensive textbook for military officers, politicians, and others who needed to understand the subject of war. However, he died before finishing this project, so his writings were published in their original form.

Again, I have no intentions of going to war. But, as educators, we are continually involved in political battles, and having some strategies to keep in mind as we participate in those battles is not a bad thing.


Overall, January was a great reading month. I stayed in line with my reading goals for the year and knocked off several books that have been lounging on my TBR for a long, long time.

Of course, I’ll continue to recommend books that I think are great for teachers and other leaders each and every month. If you’re interested, I publish a monthly book recommendation newsletter with 5-10 books I think you’ll love.

If you haven’t already, consider signing up for my Read With Mike monthly newsletter. I’m sure you’ll enjoy getting great reading recommendations each month for free.