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Three Writing Tips Backed By Scientific Evidence

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on As my doctoral colleagues and I near the end of Year 2, we’re thinking more and more about writing our dissertations. While that process involves much research and planning, it also involves a whole heck of a lot of...

How to Read and Take Notes Like a PhD Student

Photo by Lina Kivaka on As a graduate student or scholar, it is essential to master the skill of reading and taking notes effectively. However, this skill is not something that can be learned overnight, and it requires time and practice. Reading is not just...

Using Notion as a Doctoral Dashboard

In all of my previous degree programs, my biggest struggle was knowing what was due when and what I needed to accomplish next. I have been an online student through two degree programs. One of those programs, at the University of Kentucky, did a tremendous job of...

A Return After a Long Break

Well, summer break is over for all my students and me. This week, I begin my doctoral work at the University of Kentucky. As such, my reading will likely increase dramatically and, with that, an increase in my writing. It’s been a good break, but I’m ready...