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Tech, Teaching, Leadership, & Life

Hey there! I’m Mike Paul, and I support teachers at every level worldwide with technology integration strategies, leadership lessons, and tips to make life as a teacher easier.




Meet Mike

Mike is a technology coach, consultant, advisor, and doctoral student. He has an extensive background in training, technology integration, speaking, and professional development.

Mike has worked with thousands of teachers and schools across the country in the past decade. His focus is on using technology to create deeper learning experiences for students.

Vivaldi’s “Summer” on Commodore-based instruments

I tried to think of a good way to describe this, but I can't. Suffice it to say, it's a great example of pursuing your passion and figuring out how to present it to an authentic audience. Also, it's just fun.

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A master printer makes his last print

What makes a 500-year-old printing process new? Master printer and publisher Jacob Samuel has brought etchings—prints created by transferring ink from a metal plate to paper—into the 21st century through collaborations with more than 60 contemporary artists. In this...

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Embracing AI isn’t just about using flashy edtech

Prince George's County Public Schools, under the leadership of Superintendent Millard House II, is at the forefront of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their educational system. House believes that AI tools like ChatGPT can revolutionize classrooms by...

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Common Sense launches AI tool reviews

One of my favorite places to check for reviews of tech tools, sites, and such is Common Sense Media. I like their content so much, that I use their digital citizenship curriculum in my schools. They've launched an AI tool review system to help everyone understand a...

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16 November 2023

Quote of the Day "To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, Donald Trump does not appeal to “the better angels of our nature.”" (Michael V. Hayden, The Assault on Intelligence) Musical Interlude Philip Glass has a new album releasing in January 2024, recorded at his home during...

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