Photo by Julian Bracero on Until recently, I was wholly moving toward all streaming media. I had unloaded a bunch of DVDs onto someone at Goodwill, along with some HD DVDs (yes, I chose poorly in the mid-2000s format wars). In my brain, I knew it was far...
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash Greetings Starfighters, Faster than the fleetest hoof ever struck the pavement or a wheel ever turned upon an axle, the magnificence of Spring Break lies upon us in the Bluegrass State. There is, perhaps, no better time for a break...
Much of my teen years and into my twenties revolved around music. I played trumpet from 6th grade onward–and wasn’t too shabby–I eventually learned a bit of piano–I can chord and keep a rhythm like nobody’s business–and a bit of...
Photo by Tùng An Vương on Oklahoma, an early adopter in the virtual school space, is adding more virtual charter schools next year. I’m interested to see how this move plays out since some officials in Oklahoma feel that virtual schooling may be...
Well, this one made me cry a bit… Everybody can sing—maybe not well—but should that stop you? That’s the philosophy of Pub Choir, based in Brisbane, Australia. At each Pub Choir event, a conductor “arranges a popular song and teaches it to the audience in...
After letting it sit on my bookshelf for almost a year, I dove into this book from Ron Berger. I wish I had started sooner. So many thoughts and ideas about what school can be for our students showed up in this book, helping me feel like I’m not crazy.Anyone...