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The Meta-Diaries of Marion Milner: Prescribing Creativity

MARION MILNER, SUMMER BEECHES. Marion Milner’s unique approach to self-discovery involved using her creative explorations in literature and art as a therapeutic project. Through her meta-diaries, she abandoned preconceived goals and embraced free writing to...

Three Writing Tips Backed By Scientific Evidence

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on As my doctoral colleagues and I near the end of Year 2, we’re thinking more and more about writing our dissertations. While that process involves much research and planning, it also involves a whole heck of a lot of...

Is journalism disappearing?

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on I know folks have strong feelings about this, especially journalism profs. Trust me — there’s no one who loves journalism as much as me, or someone who is constantly screaming about the blurring lines between *content* and...

Using Photography as a Writing Tool

Photo by PhotoMIX Company on Photography allows me to reevaluate my linguistic and narrative choices from a fresh perspective and reframe the central questions of my work. Jennifer Croft Jennifer Croft, a recipient of literary grants and a founding editor...