Unboxing Shakespeare’s First Folio

A mesmerizing scene of a Shakespeare First Folio displayed in a grand library, ornate bookshelves reaching to the ceiling, dim ambient lighting casting soft glows on the shelves, intricate woodwork and carvings adorning the room, leather-bound volumes surrounding the Folio, creating an atmosphere of knowledge and intellectual pursuit, Sculpture, marble carving

For proof that Shakespeare’s genius was evident to his contemporaries, look no further than the collection of plays published seven years after his death: Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies (1623), today often called his First Folio.

The First Folio is a collection of 36 plays by William Shakespeare that was published in 1623. One of the most influential books ever published, only about 230 copies are known to have survived. The Victoria and Albert Museum has three copies, and in this video, they lead the viewer on a tour through one of them.

The Last Daft Punk Ever

Daft Punk retired, their helmets, bathed in the vibrant hues of a sunset, rest on a white sand beach, waves gently lapping nearby, filled with a bittersweet serenity and peace, Watercolor, painted with soft brushes and a pastel color palette

Yes, I love Daft Punk. I don’t care what you think of me.

Earlier this week, the duo (in retirement) the 10th-anniversary edition of Random Access Memories, their last studio album. The anniversary album includes 35 minutes of previously unreleased music.

Among the tracks is a demo of Infinity Repeating, featuring Julian Casablancas and The Voidz, which a recent interview w/ Casablancas on Daft Punk’s YouTube channel called “the last Daft Punk song, ever”.

All good things must come to an end. I kept hoping Daft Punk would return. I guess not.

Comparing and Testing AI for Education

AI robots becoming the new rulers, a grand throne room filled with robots in regal attire, adorned with glowing symbols and intricate metalwork, human ambassadors kneel in submission, the mood is one of awe and submissiveness, Artwork, a detailed Renaissance-style oil painting with the use of dramatic chiaroscuro to highlight the metallic sheen and grandeur of the robots

Professor and friend John Nash co-hosts a podcast on all things online learning. In a recent episode, he shared his work on coaching ChatGPT to write more “human” and the results are… interesting…

While generative AI tools are very cool right now, they are a long way from being truly disruptive and overtaking the world.

Here’s what’s interesting. Scaffolding the prompts, defining perplexity and burstiness, and then prompting an explicit increase of those measures made the text “human” to GPTZero. Still, it also made the text ridiculously flowery and inflated. Kind of like when a master’s student thinks they are supposed to “sound academic.” It was so bad that the ChatGPT output was immediately suspect to my human eyes, even though GPTZero said it was likely written entirely by a human.

– John Nash, PhD

How to Read More Books: Learn from the Masters

photo of woman reading book
Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.com

Are you looking to read more books but can’t seem to find the time or the motivation? You’re not alone. The world is full of distractions that can waste your time and energy. But for those who have a passion for the written word, there are ways to overcome these hurdles and cultivate a robust reading habit.

Reading more books is an admirable goal that can expand your mind, improve your cognitive abilities, and offer you a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world. Bibliophiles like Tyler Cowen and Ryan Holiday are well-known for consuming vast quantities of books yearly. Let’s explore their strategies and learn from their habits.

Tyler Cowen: Quantity and Quality

Economics professor and co-founder of the blog Marginal Revolution, Tyler Cowen, is known for his voracious reading habits, consuming hundreds of books per year. How does he do it? Here are a few insights.

1. Skim first: Cowen advocates for speed reading or skimming through a book before deciding whether to devote more time to it. Skimming allows you to get the gist of the book, which can help you decide if it’s worth delving deeper.

2. Don’t be afraid to quit: If a book isn’t engaging or useful, Cowen recommends abandoning it. There’s no sense in wasting time on a book that isn’t providing value. Life is too short, and there are too many good books out there to stick with one that’s not working for you.

3. Read broadly, but specialize too: Cowen suggests reading widely to expose yourself to a variety of ideas, but also recommends specializing in certain areas. By focusing on specific subjects, you can develop a deeper understanding and knowledge base.

Ryan Holiday: Deliberate and Reflective Reading

Ryan Holiday, author, media strategist, and populizer of all things stoic philosophy, is another avid reader who goes through hundreds of books a year. He has a different approach to reading than Cowen; here are some of his strategies:

1. Always have a book with you: Holiday suggests always having a book on hand. This allows you to fill in those idle moments with reading rather than scrolling through your phone.

2. Note-taking and marginalia: Holiday is a firm believer in active reading. He takes notes, underlines passages, and writes in the margins of his books. This helps him engage more deeply with the material and aids in recall later on.

3. Reflect and review: Holiday recommends reviewing your notes and even rereading books to ensure comprehension and retention. By reflecting on what you’ve read, you can deepen your understanding and apply the knowledge to your own life.

Conclusion: Develop Your Own Reading Habit

While Cowen and Holiday have different strategies, they share a deep love of reading and a commitment to making it a priority. If you want to read more books, consider trying some of their strategies.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to read more books for the sake of quantity but to enrich your mind and life. So skim or dive deep, read broadly or specialize, take notes or reflect — find what works best for you and make reading a part of your daily routine. The world of books is vast and varied, and there’s always something new to discover.

The Eclectic Educator is a free resource for everyone passionate about education and creativity. If you enjoy the content and want to support the newsletter, consider becoming a paid subscriber. Your support helps keep the insights and inspiration coming!

Largest Book Publisher Joins Forces to Combat Book Banning

books in basket selling outdoors
Photo by Ahmed ツ on Pexels.com

Penguin Random House, the leading book publisher in the nation, has partnered with PEN America in a significant endeavor to challenge book banning. In an ongoing legal battle, they have joined a coalition comprising parents, authors, and concerned individuals who filed a federal lawsuit against the imposition of bans in Escambia County, Florida.

Escambia County, situated in northwest Florida, has recently enacted restrictions on or removed a minimum of 16 books from public school libraries and classrooms. The banned books encompass a wide range of literary works, including the debut novel of a Nobel Prize laureate and a beloved coming-of-age bestseller from the 1990s.

Among the contested books is “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” which not only achieved success as a novel but also gained popularity as a hit movie. Last autumn, a local high school teacher raised objections to this book and over a hundred others, prompting Christian activists to voice their concerns at multiple school board meetings.

One such activist, Aaron Schneier, a parent from Pensacola, defended the removal of books, arguing that it does not constitute censorship to exclude explicit or sexually provocative literature from school settings. School board member Kevin Adams supported the removal of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” from the optional 12th-grade novel study, emphasizing the need to establish standards of conduct and manners for students that align with his personal values.

Suzanne Nossel, the executive director of PEN America, expressed the organization’s commitment to defending free speech. Over the past two years, PEN America has meticulously documented more than 4,000 cases of book bans or removals. Escambia County’s situation was deemed particularly egregious, prompting the decision to file this lawsuit. The plaintiffs involved include affected parents, students, Penguin Random House as an affected publisher, and other concerned individuals. They collectively advocate for the intervention of the judicial system to uphold constitutional rights.

Among the plaintiffs is Ashley Hope Perez, an acclaimed writer whose bestselling book, “Out of Darkness,” depicts a love story between a Mexican American girl and an African American boy. Perez humorously remarks that her book is “super banned,” having faced bans in numerous locations, including Escambia County. She observes a recurring pattern wherein books like hers become targets for removal by groups such as Moms for Liberty, which offer pre-prepared talking points. Perez further highlights the lack of substantive engagement with the content of these books, often accompanied by repetitive typographical errors.

While Perez prefers open discussions over legal battles, she recognizes the necessity of utilizing the tools of democracy during this critical moment. She emphasizes that young people seek narratives that are not sanitized but rather provide opportunities to explore challenging issues and imagine lives different from their own.

In response to the mounting pressure, the Escambia School Board announced a temporary halt to book challenges, extending indefinitely. NPR’s attempts to obtain comments from the school board went unanswered.

The joint efforts of Penguin Random House, PEN America, and the coalition of plaintiffs underscore a broader fight against book banning, advocating for the preservation of intellectual freedom and the exploration of diverse perspectives.

The Eclectic Educator is a free resource for everyone passionate about education and creativity. If you enjoy the content and want to support the newsletter, consider becoming a paid subscriber. Your support helps keep the insights and inspiration coming!

Get Trained for a New Job in Data Analytics in 6 Months? Google Thinks So

business charts commerce computer
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

In another shift away from the standard view of job prep and education, Google, in partnership with Coursera, have introduced two new courses to get students a professional certificate in six months.

While the bureaucrats continue to ban books, undermine progressive education, and attempt to influence a generation on the necessity of backward thinking, the business world continues to think of new ways to get people into jobs more quickly by cutting out the traditional paths to careers.

We’re only going to see more and more of this type of shift to training usable skills that allow more flexibility for young people, or those who want to start anew.

Meanwhile, public education will continue to slug it out with pompous gasbags who don’t want anything to change yet continue to blame public education for all evils.

Organic Learning Communities

"The best connected learning communities have strong visions and clarity of purpose—and often begin organically." (Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall, Connected Educator, The)
The Connected Educator

Not every organization begins through an order from on high.

Some of the greatest change comes from groups of people who share a common vision and a desire for change.

These groups make change happen over time, building a case for their views and influencing others.

Change takes time but when driven organically, it stays.

The Best Books to Help You Get Through Grad School in 2023

woman sitting in front of macbook
Photo by energepic.com on Pexels.com

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I’m sure when many professionals look back on their grad school experience, there are a few things they’d tell their past selves.

“Slow down.”

“Pace yourself.”

“Take care of yourself.”

Face it, grad school requires a ton of time and effort. And many grade students are working full-time while they’re in school, adding to the pressure and lack of time to complete school work.

Yes, there’s lots to do in grad school, but taking time for yourself is still important. Doing well in grad school is important, too, but if you don’t take care of yourself, your accomplishments in school are for naught.

So, let’s get back to your reading habit.

Reading books can help you develop new habits, stay motivated, and increase your energy levels. And reading keeps your brain engaged more than binging 17 seasons of your favorite shows on Netflix (although, sometimes, you need a binge).

Reading for Leisure

I have lots of reading to do in my studies. Let’s face it: most reading for grad school is NOT fun. It may be interesting and, hopefully, informs your work, but it’s not stirring anything deep in your soul.

Should you read for pleasure when you’re in grad school? OF COURSE!

Even if you get in just a few hours a week of reading your favorite genre, you will benefit. Don’t overlook the benefits of jumping into another world for a few hours and forget about the pressures of grad school.

Let’s take a look at some books to help you in your grad school journey. These books cover the writing process, productivity, self-care, and some fun reads.

Books to Improve Your Writing Skills

How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing by Paul Silvia

If you’re having trouble making headway with your writing, you might want to check out “How to Write a Lot” by Paul Silvia. It’s not going to turn you into Shakespeare or anything, but it can help you build good writing habits and make it easier to separate your writing time from your personal time. The book breaks the writing process down into bite-sized chunks, making it easier to tackle and giving you plenty of opportunities to celebrate your progress. Definitely worth a shot – you might be surprised at how much you can get done.

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

This book is a total classic, and it’s all about how to write and how to get over writer’s block and all those pesky mental roadblocks that get in the way of writing. It’s not specifically about grad school or academia, but it’s on this list because it’s basically the bee’s knees when it comes to writing advice.

The title comes from a story the author wrote when she was a kid about writing a paper about birds. Like “How to Write a Lot,” this is all about taking it slow and steady, tackling one small task at a time.

Several Short Sentences About Writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg

A unique book that can help snap you out of typical academic writing mode “…thus the present findings elucidate a novel method for exploring the behavior and interactions of…”

Almost poetic. Almost rhythmic. Straight to the point. The author explains in free form the fallacies and illusions of forming sentences and getting them onto the page. This will force you to re-think your mental process resulting in better sentences and better papers.

The end of the book covers examples of common sentences and calls out the superfluous wording, re-writing it with only the essentials.

Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide to
Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis by Joan Bolker

If you’re lacking motivation, struggling to get started every day, or
are completely overwhelmed by the massive task at hand, give this book a look. It doesn’t offer any real advice on the details of a dissertation
but instead aims to instill confidence in the reader. The author guides
you through setting daily page goals, storing ideas, and getting
something–anything–down on the page each day. Essentially a personal
confidence coach for writing, applicable to more than just a

The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success by Lawrence Machi

Starting your literature review is the hardest part. It feels like a
daunting task without a clear path to success. This book helps break
down each step in the process into achievable goals supplemented by
strategies for efficiently and effectively approaching each one. The few
hours spent reading this book will be paid back to you in saving time
researching and writing later.  It will help save your sanity and reduce
anxiety approaching your first literature review.

Books to Increase Your Productivity and Focus

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

This book has been instrumental in maintaining my sanity. Hal Elrod’s book shares his technique of six popular morning routine practices: exercise, reading, journaling, visualization, affirmations, and meditation. He started doing all of them every morning after a near-fatal car accident left him physically and mentally impaired. He refined the timing and intentions around each practice and shared it with friends, which exploded by word-of-mouth. Eventually, he wrote a book to share the technique with the world.

This book is highly recommended for anyone with a self-driven and self-structured workday, like a typical grad student. Read it soon to see how it can greatly impact your life.

Getting Things Done by David Allen

In my mind, this book is the bible of productivity.

“The Getting Things Done (GTD) program is designed to help you do the things you have to do with less time, energy, and effort so you can do more of the things you want to do.

The crux of the GTD system is to store every task, reminder, and note bouncing around your brain in an external organization system to free up your mental energy to actually focus on the task at hand. Your brain is great at creating and processing things but not at remembering them, so trying to keep track of everything in your head saps your brainpower from doing what your mind does best.

For more great books for grad students, check my ever-growing list right here.

The Eclectic Educator is a free resource for everyone passionate about education and creativity. If you enjoy the content and want to support the newsletter, consider becoming a paid subscriber. Your support helps keep the insights and inspiration coming!

It Takes Practice to Become an Expert

"Whether professionals have a chance to develop intuitive expertise depends essentially on the quality and speed of feedback, as well as on sufficient opportunity to practice." (Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow)
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

To become an expert at something, you have to practice that something.

Doctors and lawyers often use the term “practice” to describe their daily work.

Educators are the same. We practice every day. And we get a little better every day.

So do our students. Provided we allow them to practice.

This idea is at the heart of student-centered instruction. We serve to guide them along their path; they choose the path.

And they choose how long they stay on that path. The more passion they have, the longer and harder they will work.

The more we walk all over their practice time with test prep and meaningless teacher talk designed to keep us in control, the less engaged our students will be.

Less engagement means they practice other things. And so begins the cycle.

Let them practice; let them learn.

The Eclectic Educator is a free resource for everyone passionate about education and creativity. If you enjoy the content and want to support the newsletter, consider becoming a paid subscriber. Your support helps keep the insights and inspiration coming!

How to Read and Take Notes Like a PhD Student

study hall
Photo by Lina Kivaka on Pexels.com

As a graduate student or scholar, it is essential to master the skill of reading and taking notes effectively. However, this skill is not something that can be learned overnight, and it requires time and practice. Reading is not just about glancing over the words but processing their meaning, understanding the structure of arguments, and developing a strategy for retention and understanding. In this blog post, we will discuss how to read and take notes like a Ph.D. student.

Read for Class

When starting a new term, it is essential to read through the syllabi and determine which readings are most pertinent to your long-term goals in research. Professors do not expect students to read everything, so it is essential to read with a strategy in mind rather than wasting time on subjects that may not be useful in the future.

At the beginning of each week, go through the index of your books and readings to determine which chapters or sections you should pay attention to the most. For example, if you are a student interested in history, you may want to focus on chapters related to slavery and the law. Set up your class notes using an organization app like Notion to categorize your notes into major themes, scholarship, and questions.

Read for Retention

Reading for retention is all about long-term memory. It is essential to read thoroughly and take your time. When taking notes, consider which chapters or sections pique your interest and take notes based on the categories we discussed earlier. For long-term retention and research, take your time with the introduction, take notes in the margin, and check the footnotes and citations.

When taking notes for retention, consider the following categories: main argument, supporting arguments, subjects and sites, sources, methods, scholarly debate, terms and themes, and questions and notes. Note-taking software like Notion is useful for students to organize their notes.

Read for Research

Reading for research is all about finding information that is most pertinent to your project in a timely manner. Focus on the key takeaways of your project and use specific tactics when going into the text to find the information you need. Do not overlook the index of a book or the find feature on a PDF, as it can help you find information quickly and efficiently.

When reading for research, establish a set of key terms, look them up in the index, and see which pages and sections directly reference your subject matter. Reading for research requires a strategic approach to finding the information you need.

Reading and taking notes like a Ph.D. student requires a purposeful and strategic approach. Reading with a strategy in mind and taking notes based on the categories we’ve outlined can help you retain information in the long term. Use note-taking software like Notion to organize your notes and establish a long list of applicable terms to find what you need efficiently. By following these tips, you can read and take notes like a Ph.D. student, regardless of your reading speed or research stage.

The Eclectic Educator is a free resource for everyone passionate about education and creativity. If you enjoy the content and want to support the newsletter, consider becoming a paid subscriber. Your support helps keep the insights and inspiration coming!